It did get me thinking (it lacking so many of the qualities that make me giddy for RCs) what does qualify as a keeper in my heart... I've started a list below. As we go on this journey, I might add or have to admit that something actually should be deleted, and I would like to stress that all of this is purely MY taste and everyone probably has their own checklist (or most likely they are not so anal to have their check list but probably just say I liked it or eh I didn't like it so much). Here is my check list and how 500 Days scored:
- Giddy: not so much
- Silly lies: there were no lies actually - too much honesty to tell you the truth
- Big emotional outburst: Check- but it was to quit his job, not for the girl he loves
- Dance sequence: This is the best part of the movie, will probably watch this over and over again.
- Wedding: Some wedding happened but it was not very romantic and the situation makes it just sad.
- Rewatchable: Maybe, when I'm pining for a lost love to remind me it wasn't worth it.
- Love: This is NOT a LOVE STORY!!!!!
- Fantasy: This is NOT a good fantasy story!!!!
- Journey of the main character: actually to me he seemed the same, I know many would fight the whole movie is his arc but really - I didn't believe it. Maybe its because he didn't have roses in his hands.
- Body count: based on my first blog- I love movies with a body count - this is irrational I'm well aware but well... this one didn't have it.